7.8.2021 Upper Black River: Powerhouse to BRF Dam
Facts and Data: River Stage: 5.0 ft at Galesville (Many gauges and non apply directly) 4.25 ft at Neilsville 37.5 ft at Black River DS
Water Temperature: 74° Air Temperature: 66°
Length of Paddle: 9.0 miles Speed: 3.2 miles moving but 2.3 overall—a little delay for the rescue
Travel Time: 3 hours 59 minutes plus 30 minute lunch stop
Trip Number (21-11) We have had a 3 week hiatus and really missed kayaking. Weddings, RiverFest, and Rain, but we are back. Tried a first today in kayaking the Upper Black River above the BRF Dam, we started at the Powerhouse just below the Hatfield Dam and finished our trip just short of the BRF Dam at the landing of McSweet’s Irish Pub, another pleasant place. The price of the launch is a beer. This was a new, first time experience, as I said, and it was a real ride. We expected rocks and rapids, but after the recent rains we went over many of the rocks, but the rapids were a thrill ride, with many of them being Class 3+. We started out with 3 paddlers—Pat C., Steve, and Me—and we did end with 3 paddlers, but not without incident. We had 2 failures for the day, the first one was Pat on a class 3 and the second was Me—on a simple eddy. I made the big stuff only to go swimming on an eddy—no excuse. Pat was a trooper during his rescue, even though we found out the next day he broke his toe, and will be sidelined for about 6 weeks. We had fun rescuing the kayak down river from the spill and getting the kayaker back in his boat all while fighting some good current. A great time was had by all. The first 3 miles or so were pretty fast and furious, with areas of exceptional calm and beauty, but after that it really became a laid back, flat water trip. The scenery was gorgeous with flowers, mini waterfalls, and great rock formations. The residential cottages and castles starting showing up approximately 2 miles before the end.
Our wildlife sightings were only 1 Eagle, 2 Herons, and 2 empty Eagle nests. The video for the day was the best that I have ever taken, unfortunately it is all at the bottom of the Black River in the middle of an eddy. Expensive trip, but in the end we all had a great time, but will likely wait a while before doing it again, as we all recover.
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Our music selection for today is:
Wild Ride by Joe Walsh
Best trip (so far) this year