7.17.2021 Black River (Melrose to North Bend Hwy VV) Facts and Data:
River Stage: 4.3 ft
Water Temperature: 72°
Air Temperature: 84°
Length of Paddle: 10.7 miles
Average Speed: 3.4 mph
Trip Number (21-13) Our trip for the day was for the Holmen Area Community Center (HACC). Our paddlers included: Cindy, Steve, Nancy, Bill, Teresa, Melissa, Ben, LeeAnn, John, Tom, and Me for a total of 11 travelers. We had a perfect day for water and air temperatures, along with a beautiful sunny day and very calm water. We completed our trip in 3 hours and 5 minutes, plus an additional 1 hour and 6 minutes of rest time to swim, eat, or whatever makes you happy. All of the paddlers had at least some experience, except one and he did very well right from the start. The group set the pace and it was a relaxing day. There were no mishaps or anything to slow us down, so an uneventful day all around
Our wildlife for the day included 4 Eagles flying very high, so only show as a few specks on the pictures, a couple of Herons, and no Turtles.
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