10/9/2021 Black River (Hunter’s Bridge to Lytle Bay)
Facts and Data:
River Stage: 4.2 ft at Galesville (945 cfs)
For this section of river the minimum depth, about 4.5
We were scraping bottom several times, some areas were totally dry
Water Temperature: 62°
Air Temperature: 80°
Length of Paddle: 11.8 miles
Average Speed: 3.3 mph
Trip Number (21-19) We had an enjoyable and relaxed paddle today, however, some areas were so low that we scraped the bottom and had to walk or do the Gorilla walk for several yards. One section of the river is so low, there is NO WATER in the channel—as you can see on the video. I have never seen the river so low in this area. The flow has changed dramatically and filled in with sand—probably due to the heavy rains we had a few weeks ago. In spite of this adversity, Teresa, Bill, Tom, and I paddled for 3 ½ hours and still managed to stop for over an hour, and made a nice paddle out of the day. It is getting late in the season, but we still have no fall colors, and the current has really slowed down to only 945 cfs, which is very slow. The water was flat and slightly warmer than last week.
Our wildlife was quite active in Eagle sightings and some turtles sunning themselves. I caught some nice Eagle flying past and a couple of Eagles that just would not move even though we were within only a few feet, so we got some nice footage. As always a good day, but it could be one of our last paddles for the year—we will see.
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The music selection for today is:
Harlem River Blues by Justin Townes Earl
Dried Up River by The Lone Bellow
Let the River Run by Carly Simon