5/30/2022 Black River Melrose to North Bend Hwy VV

5/30/2022 Black River (Melrose to North Bend Hwy VV)

Facts and Data:

River Stage: 6.0 ft at Galesville (2590 cfs)
For this section of river the minimum depth, about 4.5
We were scraping bottom several times, some areas were totally dry

Water Temperature: 62°
Air Temperature: 90°
Wind Speed: S 15 mph

Length of Paddle: 10.6 miles
Average Speed: 3.6 mph

Trip Number (22-03) Only our 3rd paddle of the year, weather doesn’t want to cooperate. We are so far behind already, I am not sure we can catch up to our normal number of trips per year. The paddlers for the day were: Steve, Pat C., Bill, Teresa, and Me. Today was sunny and 90°, we only had a slight head on wind of 12-15 mph. for the first hour and then it was at our backs for the most part and was again an enjoyable day. We made the holiday tour in only 2 hours and 50 minutes plus a 41 minute break for lunch. We did see a good number of Eagles, but no real pictures as many were off in the distance, but I did catch a few imaginary close ups and got some good footage of them flying. A somewhat uneventful tour today, but very relaxing. We discovered a new Canyon, that has not been accessible to us before, so we did get to explore some new scenery.

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Steve’s music selection for today is:
The River by Bruce Springsteen
The River by Jordan Feliz
We Will Rock You by Queen (I added this one)

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